Akintunde's fascination for technology and all that can be achieved with technology has taken him from learning the Java programming to leading an Engineering team in a few years.
In this spotlight, he highlights how he's been able to do that, where he gets inspiration from, and current technologies that excite him.
How did you get into tech and why Android development?
The Java programming language was the case study programming language used for one of the courses I took while attending the prestigious Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria. The course title was "Object-oriented programming" (CSC302).
I took my time to learn the fundamentals of programming during this period because it was fascinating to me. I must confess that my passion for programming was initially fueled by the urge to have a sense of belonging among my course mates. I was studying Computer Engineering at that time.
At the end of semester breaks from year one till graduation, I waited back in school to read and understand the fundamentals of programming. "Java: how to program" (by the Deitel brothers) was my companion as the book contains so many details for beginners.
After graduation, I had enough time to learn all day. I took learning as my full-time job. I did this continuously for about eight months. During this period, I came across an online programme by Google and Andela (through Andela Learning Community - ALC) organized on Android and Web Development. Fortunately for me, I was part of the learners selected for season 2 of the programme in Africa. That gave me access to curated and supervised learning on Android Development via the Udacity platform. It is safe to say that was my breakthrough moment!
I took a beginner course in Android Development.
By season 3, I moved to the intermediate course. Later on, I got another scholarship via the Google African Developer Scholarship programme for the Android Developer Nanodegree course. By the end of the course, I got another scholarship from the same programme to prepare for the Google Associate Android Developer Certification examination. This opened up another pool of courses on PluralSight.
I passed the certification examination and I owe gratitude to the ALC team for their engagement and push. The Nanodegree certificate got me a job offer without having to apply for the role. My employer sent me a note of interest on Twitter after seeing my certificate online and we picked up the interview from there.
Back then, all choice indicators pointed to Android Development as it was the only known aspect of programming where I could express my Java knowledge fluently. I later realized backend development would have been a better fit. However, I made the decision based on the information available to me then.
What inspires you?
My inspiration comes from the fact that I am living the dream and doing what I love! A career in the field of Computing had been my desire as far back as age 8. My passion for building technology-based solutions that work and solve real-life problems is also another driver for me.
Which of the technologies you currently work with excites you the most, and why?
I currently work with a couple of backend technologies alongside Android Development. I will say Google Cloud Pub/Sub messaging middleware tops the list for me. Having to retain important system process messages on a queue without losing any with only a few lines of code is exciting.
What problem does it solve?
Google Cloud Pub/Sub provides durable message storage as well as real-time message delivery with high availability and consistent performance at scale.
What does the future hold?
It didn't sit too well [with me] seeing these African (undergraduate) students at home doing nothing for over a year during the Corona Virus lockdown. I’m really passionate about meeting education with technology in the African space and beyond, thereby changing the status quo and existing narrative. So, in the nearest future, I will be exploring an EduTech solution (I’m open to your brilliant ideas, however. Feel free to mail me on ideatewithakintunde@gmail.com)
What have you been working on lately?
My team currently builds a solution that allows merchants (businesses or individuals) to reach and serve their targeted audience by leveraging the Kudi Agent Network for collections and payouts.
Tips for budding Android Engineers?
Just start from where you are. Pick up “well-curated” (yes, well-curated!) learning materials from a trusted vendor (most of them are free) and start learning (you can begin from here).
It’s fine if you do not have it all figured out yet, simply give your desire to learn the time and determination, then watch it mature to build solutions bigger than you.